Can I fix my ingrown toenail non surgically?
Do you suffer from ingrown toenails? Have you considered having surgery? We have a new product in the salon to help relieve and fix your ingrown toenails!
Onyfix is a nail correction system that helps correct the way your nail grows!
Think of your toenail as a train track…The train track is straight but it has pressure squeezing from both sides…(this pressure is usually from wearing tight shoes, could be how we walk etc.) So your nail is fighting to stay within it’s tracks but its being pushed and has no where to go but into your toe. This can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. The onyfix acts as a support band to support your nail fight back on the pressure and helps your nail to grow straight versus curved.
Benefits of onyfix:
Rapid pain alleviation
Pain-free treatment
Effective without exerting force on the nail
Effectiveness confirmed by a study
Particularly suitable for those with diabetes
No restrictions on patient activities (incl. swimming/sauna)
Nail polish can still be used
There has been great success stories of the nail being fixed after keeping up with onyfix for up to a year!
This will be a new service coming to the salon very soon! Email us to have a consultation today!