People think applying lashes is easy, I mean you glue one lash extension on per lash, sounds easy enough right? But one of the MOST important steps in applying lash extensions is proper isolation. Lash artists use two tweezers - one to isolate the natural lash and one to apply the eyelash extension to the natural lash. Here are some reasons why ;
Isolation allows for the natural shedding process to take place - Every single one of our lashes go through a growth cycle, if any of our lashes are stuck together they will not be able to shed like they are intended to. Lashes that are not properly isolated could be pulled out ahead of time, and damage the hair follicle. Damaged hair follicles take months to recover, if at all.
Isolation ensures comfort while wearing eyelash extensions - If you ever had lashes that felt like they were tugging or tight on your eyelid this is because they were not properly isolated and applied. The lashes stuck together could be at different growth cycles and the ones growing out or shedding could be stuck to ones that are not, causing discomfort, premature shedding, and damage to the natural lashes. When lashes are properly applied and isolated you will not feel them.
It is so important to do your research when you receive eyelash extensions. Bad lash applications give lash artists a bad rep, and the industry as a whole. If you’re looking for an amazing lash artist, or even looking to get into the industry our Lash Artist & Educator Monica Diep is well educated, and always safe and professional with our clients!
This is an example of lashes that were not properly isolated and applied! You can see that these lashes were clumped together, which can be very uncomfortable and damaging to our lashes!
Perfect isolation. A healthy natural lash ready to have a lash extension applied on.